Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?

Why do Gays feel the need to flaunt their lifestyle(which is in complete opposition to the scriptural requirements) at open gay pride festivals where young children get to see naked men and women strolling down the public streets with all their bits on display? (Now i am not a christian trying to sway you with an agenda i am just giving some perspective to your question) (Nor am i a prude, i have no problem with going to a nude beach for some vitamin D sunbathing)Why try to indoctrinate everyone into a lifestyle that offends the one that has the power to and the will(see account of the flood of Noah’s day) to destroy an entire world if we all don’t do as he/she/it says? Why does anyone need to push their views on anyone else?
“No man can tell another man what to do”
That is both Legal and scriptural and a truism. Some “Christians” feel that their faith is very personal and/or don’t like to share whereas some follow the scriptural admonition to spread the message to all who will listen, it is just that some Christians don’t know enough that when they are beating a dead horse it is time to find more fertile soil “You can lead a man(or woman) to knowledge but you can’t make him(her) think.” There are those out there that will listen to and benefit from the wisdom in the bible and then there are those that see no benefit in following the bibles wisdom, to each his own, we are all a part of something much larger than ourselves. It would be arrogance to think otherwise. We all have our own path to walk and our own ways to find wisdom and benefit from it if we can. We all have a purpose for being here on this planet on this plane at this time in this dimension however it is up to each and every one of us to figure out what our purpose is and strive to fulfill that purpose. Perhaps some Christians/muslims/etc purpose is to be like the annoying nat, never giving those that have not accepted Christ/Allah/etc as their god and savior a moments peace from their incessant droning on about their beliefs and how “you” should accept their beliefs with no proof other than their interpretation of a book that is admittedly flawed and about which there is no proof that the stories are accurate or even true. So yes there are those that will get under your skin and from these turn away for they do not know the inner working of the mind of “GOD” even though they claim to have “GOD’S” backing and “the infallible word of GOD” they do not have a clue as to what is really going on is this world they just want to push their beliefs on everyone and if it were still possible they would likely burn you at the stake for suggesting that they could have misinterpreted what our creator(Whoever or whatever that might be) really wants for us. Keep asking, keep knocking, keep seeking and you will find. il Na Kesh my friends
il Na Kesh my Friend to find wisdom and benefit from it if we can. We all have a purpose for being here on this planet on this plane at this time in this dimension however it is up to each and every one of us to figure out what our purpose is and strive to fulfill that purpose. Perhaps some Christians/muslims/etc purpose is to be like the annoying nat, never giving those that have not accepted Christ/Allah/etc as their god and savior a moments peace from their incessant droning on about there beliefs and how “you” should accept their beliefs with no proof other than their interpretation of a book that is admittedly flawed and about which there is no proof that the stories are accurate or even true. So yes there are those that will get under your skin and from these turn away for they do not know the inner working of the mind of “GOD” even though they claim to have “GOD’S” backing and “the infallible word of GOD”.

50 states petition to suceed & Alex Jones calls for a second revolution

http://youtu.be/QM8IKOBxKW0R heating up in the U.S.

Things R heating up in the United States, all 50 states have petitioned the White House to suceed from the union, Obama’s response was to threaten 14 governors with National Security Letters, if they don’t stand down Obama will arrest them for treason. Obama is the 1 that needs to be arrested for treason.

Alex Jones has finally called for a second revolution, who will answer the call. Jones has a plan to kick the globalist criminals out & take back the republic for Americans. I say right on. Greed should be punished not rewarded with billions in personal profits for an Elite few. The world is waking up to the 6000 yr old lie & WE R PISSED & WE R NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANY MORE!  educate yourselves on this subject & stand up & make your voice heard. just remember ” If it is to be it is up to me”. Don’t let the once Gr8 & prosperous United States of America go down without a fight. It is up to people everywhere to throw off the shackles of tyranny & take control of their own lives, it starts with YOU! No one is going to come rescue U. The Federal Government has been Hijacked by foreign powers & they R definitely not going to leave without being shown the door, so show them & all those that would support them the way out But jail the criminals in their midst indefinitely. & return the U.S. to its former glory with a paradigm shift back to peace & prosperity for all. Stop being a door mat for the Globalists!

Terminator is here

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jR51fRlteQM   This vid is about the DRONE-Missle boats that the navy is now testing , Can anyone say Terminator? whats next, armed bipedal android law enforcement/revenue generators stocking the citizenry or is that yet some evolution down the road for the technocratic fascist dictatorship come totalitarian nightmare, welcome to your worst nightmare, WAKE UP! This will not make U safer, it will make U less safe. Look down the road 5 years & what do U see? I see total automation with autonomous androids with the power to execute people deemed to be on the presidents hit list perhaps? Who needs FEMA camps when U can sic a squadron of fully autonomous drones on an unsuspecting sleepy little town & make like it never existed & who’s to know what happened to it, because by that time the internet will be fully controlled & strangled to death. How can U fight that level of tech & armor?Drones in the sky, drones on the water, soon drones kicking down your front door? We R at a threshold & once we pass over that thresh hold there will be no turning back from the abyss. If we allow tech to rule us now we will regret it eternally, which may not be that long. Can anyone say Terminator?  Picture this…a day at the beach with the Fam relaxing soaking up some sun when out of the sky & off the water comes missles fired from autonomous drone at a party next to yours that was BBQing illegally, not my problem U say? Should have obeyed the rules U say?  Do U enjoy being a slave?
grab a pair of cahones & step up to the microphone, Educate yourselves so U can educate others before it is to late to communicate that knowledge at all. wake up the planet. it is up to us all. no one is exempt.This is the most important work you have ever done or likely will ever do.



Raw milk is being vilified as is organic fresh veggies & natural forms of healing.  This isn’t just about Cannabis, it is about our “God” given right to consume what we think & know is best for our own bodies. If I want to eat carrots until I barf that is my prerogative, if I want to consume diet colas until I die of Cancer, heart disease, obesity etc that is my prerogative(not that I would ever drink another sode pop in my life, yeuck, just saying), likewise with anything else that I choose to put into my body. But I am sure going to take responsibility for my own expenses should I fall ill from my own selfish lifestyle choices.  I don’t want poisons forced on me by a “well meaning” Government & so called health care system that is totally self serving & fraudulent, while at the same time denying me the healthy natural ways to maintain & heal my body. I want the freedom to choose without coercion from criminal interests that could not care less about the health & welfare of you & me, John Q Public, as long as their profits keep rolling in. If fair & equal airtime were given to the healthy living side of the debate, the debate would truly be over as educating the masses with real truth would see an end to big chemical companies along with their attempts to “cull the herd”. Their MO is deceit deceit & more deceit regardless of the consequences.  Truthful education is the key to health freedom not propaganda that distorts the truth or tells out right lies to get the masses to believe that poisonous chemicals R good for us.  When prescribed Pharmaceuticals account for over 100000 deaths in the United states alone every year, some estimates put that # over 400000.  Big Pharma accounts for, in 1 way or another, between 750000 & 1.25 million deaths per year in the United States. They use propaganda advertising to convince us that we can’t live without it & they are protected by the corrupt Governments against liabilities for their poisons when they do injure & kill people. Follow Iceland’s lead & jail the corrupt politicians & Banksters that are destroying the economies of the world & holding us back from realizing our true potential. Iceland’s economy is doing better that Europe & America. It can be done, it has been done, we can do it so lets do it.  For over 1500 vid links including over 65 Documentaries to all things liberty plz visit my youtube page at “friendsoffreedom2012″Stay tuned for more freedom rants & share